The naat Ilahi Teri Chokhat Par is a heartfelt plea, expressing the profound emotions of a believer standing at the doorstep of the Almighty, seeking mercy, forgiveness, and guidance. The verses resonate deeply with anyone yearning for a connection with God, encapsulating themes of repentance, humility, and the hope for divine grace.
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1. ظاہر کي آنکھ سے نہ تماشا کرے کوئي
ہو ديکھنا تو ديدہء دل وا کرے کوئي
These opening lines emphasize the importance of seeing beyond the physical world and focusing on inner spirituality. The poet implores believers to use their heart’s vision, not just their eyes, to truly witness divine truths.
- “ظاہر کي آنکھ” refers to worldly perceptions, while “ديدہء دل” symbolizes spiritual insight.
- The verse encourages self-reflection and seeking God through inner purity and spiritual understanding.
2. الٰہی تیری چوکھٹ پر بھکاری بن کے آیا ہوں
سراپا فقر ہوں، عجز و ندامت ساتھ لایا ہوں
Here, the poet portrays themselves as a humble beggar at God’s doorstep, carrying nothing but poverty, humility, and remorse. It is a sincere acknowledgment of one’s dependence on divine mercy.
- “چوکھٹ پر بھکاری” signifies complete submission and reliance on God.
- “عجز و ندامت” reflects the poet’s heartfelt regret for past wrongdoings and their readiness to seek forgiveness.
3. بھکاری وہ کہ جس کے پاس جھولی ہے نہ پیالہ ہے
بھکاری وہ جسے حرص و ہوس نے مار ڈالا ہے
These lines highlight the spiritual poverty of the soul, describing a beggar who lacks worldly tools for survival and whose greed and desires have left them spiritually bankrupt.
- “حرص و ہوس” symbolizes materialism and its destructive impact on the soul.
- The poet admits to being overwhelmed by worldly temptations, seeking solace in God’s mercy.
4. متاعِ دین و دانش نفس کے ہاتھوں سے لٹوا کر
سکونِ قلب کی دولت ہوس کی بھینٹ چڑھوا کر
The poet reflects on losing the treasures of faith and wisdom due to worldly desires. The peace of heart is sacrificed for fleeting pleasures, leaving the soul in turmoil.
- “متاعِ دین و دانش” represents spiritual wealth and knowledge.
- The verse underscores the cost of succumbing to desires, urging a return to faith.
5. لٹا کر ساری پونجی غفلت و نسیاں کی دلدل میں
سہارا لینے آیا ہوں ترے کعبے کے آنچل میں
After losing everything to negligence and forgetfulness, the poet turns to the Almighty’s sanctuary for support, symbolized by the Kaaba’s protective embrace.
- “غفلت و نسیاں” signifies spiritual heedlessness.
- The poet’s turning to the Kaaba reflects the ultimate hope for redemption through God’s grace.
6. یہ تیرا گھر ہے تیرے مہر کا دربار ہے مولا
سراپا نور ہے اک مہبطِ انوار ہے مولا
This verse glorifies the sanctity of God’s house, portraying it as a place of light and divine mercy. The poet acknowledges its sanctity while humbly recognizing their own unworthiness.
- “مہبطِ انوار” refers to a place where divine light descends.
- The verse emphasizes the transformative power of seeking God’s blessings at His sacred house.
7. زباں غرقِ ندامت دل کی ناقص ترجمانی پر
خدایا رحم میری اس زبانِ بے زبانی پر
The poet expresses remorse, acknowledging that their words fall short of conveying the depth of their repentance. They plead for God’s mercy on their inarticulate prayers.
- “زبانِ بے زبانی” reflects the limitations of human expression in conveying true repentance.
- The verse is a heartfelt plea for God’s understanding and compassion.
ilahi teri chokhat per lyrics in urdu

Themes of the Naat
- Humility and Submission: The poet consistently portrays themselves as a beggar, emphasizing dependence on God.
- Repentance: A recurring theme is the acknowledgment of past mistakes and seeking forgiveness.
- Divine Mercy: The poet’s hope lies in the boundless mercy of the Almighty.
- Spiritual Transformation: The verses encourage self-reflection and a return to faith.
It translates to “O God, at Your doorstep.” The phrase signifies a humble believer seeking refuge and mercy at the threshold of the Almighty.
The naat emphasizes humility, repentance, and hope for God’s mercy, encouraging believers to seek forgiveness and spiritual transformation.
The phrase symbolizes a state of complete submission and reliance on God’s mercy, portraying the poet as a humble servant seeking divine grace.