The naat Ya Nabi Nazre Karam Farmana is a heartfelt expression of love, devotion, and submission to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), specifically invoking his blessed lineage. Every verse carries a profound message, resonating with the listener’s soul and fostering a connection with the divine. Let us delve into its verses to extract the spiritual and emotional depths of this masterpiece.
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1. The Plea for Mercy and Connection
“یا نبی نظرِ کرم فرمانا
اے حسین کے نانا، اے حسین کے نانا
زہرا پاک کے صدقے ہم کو طیبہ میں بلوانا”
This opening verse is a heartfelt plea to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), affectionately addressed as “Nana of Hussain.” It seeks his merciful gaze (Nazr-e-Karam) and asks for the honor of visiting Madinah, the blessed city, through the intercession of Hazrat Fatimah (RA).
- Spiritual Meaning: This line signifies the believer’s reliance on the Prophet’s mercy for attaining nearness to Allah.
2. Acknowledgment of the Prophet’s Status
“آپ کے در کا ہوں میں بھکاری، آپ ہیں میرے داتا
سارے رشتے ناتوں سے ہے پیارا اپنا ناتا
آپ تو ہیں آتا ہے جنکو سب کی لاج نبھانا”
Here, the poet describes their unwavering devotion to the Prophet, acknowledging him as the ultimate benefactor and provider. The relationship with the Prophet is declared to be above all worldly ties.
- Spiritual Meaning: This verse emphasizes the unique and sacred bond between the believer and the Prophet, who is seen as a savior for humanity.
3. The Prophet’s Unique Divine Status
“بے سایہ ہیں لیکن دو جگ پر ہے آپ کا سایہ
عرش معلّا بنا محلّا دید کو رب نے بلایا
حشر تک نہ ہوگا کسی کا ایسا آنا جانا”
This verse beautifully captures the Prophet’s unparalleled status. Though his shadow did not appear on the ground, his spiritual presence graces both worlds. It also highlights the Prophet’s unique journey to the heavens (Miraj), where he met Allah directly.
- Spiritual Meaning: The Prophet’s divine journey and elevated position are beyond human comprehension, making him the most exalted of all creation.
4. Celebration of the Prophet’s Birth
“سج گئی ہے میلاد کی محفل کیا ہے خوب نظارہ
کیف و مستی میں ڈوبا ہے دیکھو عالم سارا
ڈھونڈ رہی ہے آپ کی رحمت بخشش کا بہانا”
This verse paints a vivid picture of the joyous celebration of the Prophet’s birth (Milad). The entire universe is depicted as immersed in a state of spiritual ecstasy, seeking blessings and forgiveness through his mercy.
- Spiritual Meaning: The Prophet’s birth is a source of endless mercy and joy for the universe, a time for reflection and gratitude.
5. Association with the Prophet’s Family
“نسبت کا فیضان ہے دیکھو خادمِ غوثِ جلی ہوں
کرتا ہے مجھ پہ ناز زمانہ میں اوصافِ علی ہوں
آپ کی آل کے در کے سگ ہوں سائل ہوں پرانا”
The poet humbly declares their association with the Prophet’s blessed family, particularly Hazrat Ali (RA). This connection is a source of pride and spiritual elevation.
- Spiritual Meaning: Belonging to the Prophet’s lineage is considered an honor and a path to divine nearness.

The Significance of the Naat
“Ya Nabi Nazre Karam Farmana” is more than just a naat; it is a profound expression of hope, humility, and love for the Prophet (PBUH). Each verse invites the listener to reflect on their connection to the divine and seek intercession through the beloved Prophet.
It translates to “O Prophet, bestow your merciful gaze upon us,” symbolizing a heartfelt plea for mercy and blessings.
The phrase Hussain Ke Nana emphasizes the Prophet’s special relationship with Hazrat Hussain (RA), his beloved grandson, showcasing familial and spiritual bonds.
The celebration of Milad marks the Prophet’s birth, a source of divine mercy and joy for the entire universe, as highlighted in the naat.