zah e muqaddar captures the essence of a believer’s love and utmost respect for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its poetic verses are filled with humility, expressing a deep longing for connection, guidance, and blessings from the Prophet. Each verse unfolds a unique story of love, reverence, and spiritual dedication. This article explores the lyrics of Zah-e-Muqaddar in-depth, offering insight into the meanings and emotions they carry.
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The Significance of “zah e muqaddar naat lyrics” – Verse by Verse
1. Greeting the Messenger of Allah
“زہے مقدر حضورِ حق سے سلام آیا، پیام آیا
جھکاؤ نظریں، بچھاؤ پلکیں، ادب کا اعلیٰ مقام آیا”
Blessed is the destiny, for a greeting has come from the Lord. Bow your heads, lower your gaze, as a moment of utmost reverence arrives.
This verse celebrates the honor of receiving a divine greeting from Allah. It emphasizes humility, respect, and gratitude as the believer lowers their gaze and prepares to welcome the blessings.
2. Journey of Love and Respect
“یہ کون سر سے کفن لپیٹے، چلا ہے اُلفت کے راستے پر
فرشتے حیرت سے تک رہے ہیں، یہ کون ذی احترام آیا”
Who is this wrapped in a shroud, walking the path of love? Angels are in awe, wondering about this figure of respect.
This verse paints a beautiful scene of a humble soul traversing the path of love and devotion toward the Prophet. It highlights the purity and reverence with which the believer walks, capturing the angels’ amazement at such devotion.
3. The Call of Sacrifice
“فضا میں لبیک کی صدائیں، زہ فرشتہ عرش گونجتی ہیں
ہر ایک قربان ہو رہا ہے، زبان پہ یہ کس کا نام آیا”
The call of “Labbaik” echoes in the air, and the heavens resonate. Every being is ready to sacrifice, as this noble name is spoken.
This verse reflects the power and impact of invoking the Prophet’s name. It describes the heavenly response, with every soul ready to offer itself in devotion. The repetition of “Labbaik” signifies a deep calling and readiness for spiritual sacrifice.
4. The Path of Truth
“یہ راہِ حق ہے! سنبھل کے چلنا! یہاں ہے منزل قدم قدم پر
پہنچنا در پر، تو کہنا آقا، سلام لیجئے، غلام آیا”
This is the path of truth; tread carefully, for the destination lies at every step. Upon reaching the door, say, “Master, your servant has arrived with greetings.”
In these lines, the believer is advised to walk carefully on the path of truth, as every step is crucial. It emphasizes the idea of humility and submission upon reaching the Prophet’s doorstep, symbolizing the journey of self-purification.
5. Unfulfilled Yearning for Reunion
“یہ کہنا آقا بہت سے عاشق تڑپتے سے چھوڑ آیا ہوں میں
بلائے کے منتظر ہیں لیکن، نہ صبح آیا نہ شام آیا”
Tell the Prophet that I have left behind many yearning lovers, awaiting his call, but neither morning nor evening brought their reunion.
Here, the poet speaks on behalf of all who await the Prophet’s blessings. This verse reflects a collective longing, showcasing the strong emotional connection that believers hold for the Prophet, always yearning for his intercession and guidance.
6. The Power of Sincere Prayer
“دعا جو نکلی تھی دل سے آخر، پلٹ کے مقبول ہو کے آئی
وہ جذبہ جس میں تڑپ تھی سچی، وہ جذبہ آخر کو کام آیا”
The prayer that came from the heart returned with acceptance. The passion that held true longing finally brought success.
This verse speaks about the power of heartfelt prayers. When the intention is pure, and the longing is genuine, the prayer reaches acceptance. This serves as a reminder of the strength of faith and dedication.
7. Divine Protection on the Journey
“خدا تیرا حافظ و نگہبان، اوہ راہِ بتھاکے جانے والے
نبی دے صد انسیت بن کر، پیام درود و سلام آیا”
May God be your protector, O traveler on the path. With the Prophet’s boundless affection, the message of blessings and peace has arrived.
The final verse offers a prayer for divine protection and ends with a message of love and blessings from the Prophet. It reminds believers of Allah’s guardianship and the Prophet’s compassion for his followers.
zah e muqaddar naat lyrics in urdu

Why Zah-e-Muqaddar Holds a Special Place in the Hearts of Believers
Each verse of Zah-e-Muqaddar resonates with the emotions of Muslims worldwide who deeply admire the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This naat reflects the journey of devotion, humility, and longing for spiritual closeness. Its words echo the sentiments of those who seek blessings, peace, and guidance from the Prophet. The naat emphasizes that true connection with the Prophet lies in genuine love, respect, and a heartfelt desire to follow his path.
Zah-e-Muqaddar means “Blessed is the destiny.” It signifies the honor and blessings of having a connection with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Zah-e-Muqaddar is popular because it resonates deeply with the love, respect, and longing that Muslims feel for the Prophet. Its verses beautifully express the emotions of devotion and reverence.
The naat inspires believers by reminding them of the power of sincere prayers, the importance of humility, and the blessings that come from a close connection with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
zah e muqaddar naat lyrics serves as a source of inspiration and spiritual upliftment for those who seek closeness with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Each verse reflects the emotions of a true believer, encompassing humility, love, and a yearning for divine connection. This naat reminds us that true blessings come from a heart that reveres the Prophet, follows his teachings, and constantly seeks his intercession.